NTT Plala HikariTV
NTT Plala HikariTV

Hikari TV is fiber optic CableTV service.


1. NTT modem and HikariTV cablebox need to be put closely.

2. I recommend HikariTV cablebox need to be connected by LAN cable.

3. If HikariTV cablebox is far from NTT modem,I don't recommend this cableTV service.

 >>>You can use HikariTV compatible Wifi bridge device,But not so stable connection.

4. HikariTV has 15 or 16 English channels. But each channel has 50% English programs >>>another 50% programs are Japanese only.

5. There are 2 typed cablebox (1 tuner installed type and 3 tuner installed)

>>>1 tuner type need at least 15Mbps internet speed.

>>>3 tuner type need at least 45Mbps internet speed.

6. If your internet speed was not so fast,Select 1 tuner cablebox.

7.HikariTV's benefit is cheap cost.You can get over 50 channels by almost 3500yen(Month to Month contract) or 2500yen(2 years Longterm contract).

8.HikariTV doesn't have CNN in the package. But it has BBC world news. CNN US is option channel(extra payment).

9.HikariTV has National Geographic and History Channel but doesn't have Discovery Channel.(Be careful)