How to cancel NTT fiber optic internet service.
Take a picture of your ISP's customer info paperwork.
Then send me by email or facebook.
I can cancel most of ISP for example SANNET,Biglobe,So-net,OCN and so on.
But when you have translation app in your computer or smartphone,you can cancel it by yourself too.
When you cancel ISP between 20th and 30th(or 31st),they will stop your service at the last day of next month. When you cancel it between 1st and 19th,they will stop your service at the end of
same month. So if you wanna cancel ISP this month,you must cancel until 19th of the same month.
About final payment of the ISP
ISP can't send you paperbill before you leave from Japan.
(If your payment is creditcard,don't worry)
That's why please let them know your friend address and give 2 month fee to your friend. When your friend lost to pay, ISP will send me your final bill 6 months later.
About NTT cancellation.
When you got order from US military.please call NTT english call center.
Especially when your payment is paperbill,NTT need to calcurate final fee then have to send it to you by mail. Be careful. many customer call NTT at final inspection day. But it's too late.
9:00-17:00 Mon-Fri.except National holiday
When you call NTT,telephone operator asks you...
When you wanna stop your service,
When you will move out from offbase housing,
When you will leave from Japan,
When it is convenient for you to uninstall the modem by tecnicians,
(If they said no tecnician has to visit to remove,you need to return the modem by the brown bag which NTT will send)
After you call NTT,they start calcurate final bill,then they will send it to you 1 or 2 weeks later or often next month. So let them know your PoBox number or your friend address. When your
friend lost to pay it,NTT will send me final bill and sales penalty bill.
If you didn't have any friend who can receive your final bill,let them know my address. and give me final bill's money by cash.or let me know email address. I can send you a digital invoice by
mail. you can pay it by your creditcard or debitcard by computer or smartphone.
Ken Kinoshita
Post code 242-0005
Kanagawa ken,Yamato city,Nishi-Tsuruma 4-7-32 EmmyTerrace B102
About cancellation fee
A house type 9500yen. Apartment type 1500yen
But if you can fax your order to NTT call center from Japanese convenience store,NTT won't ask you cancellation fee. But have to fax in 1day or 2days after you call NTT.
Please ask them their fax number and telephone operator name. then fax it.
You can't fax it from your military office and onbase 7-11.
Please fax it from offbase convenience store.
They can't receive it by email.
Free to ask and consult me sir.
Excuse me.
When you install the internet modem,If I didn't help you anything... I can't help your cancellation process too.
And If your internet service is cableTV internet,Excuse me,I can't help your cancellation too.
KEN Internet and home support
Rep Ken Kinoshita