ISP has Internet Servers. For example Web Server,Email Server,DHCP Server,Authetication Server,FTP Server,News Server and so on.
ISP assigns your internet devices the Global IP address.
When you live in Japan,you need access Japanese ISP at first then get Japanese IP address from Japanese ISP.
There are total 6000 ISP in Japan(almost 3000 ISP is available)
Internet users can select the best ISP for them.(Each ISP has different features.Some are fast and Some are cheap)
NTT OCN,au one net,Asahi-Net have English Call Center But not so fast.
Internet speed depends on the quality of ISP's eqipments and the quality of Physical access line.
What is Line Operator?
Most of ISPs don't have the access lines to connect between the subscribers to ISPs. That's why most of subscribers have to get the access line service to reach
the ISP.
Japan has ADSL access line(telepone cable),Fiber optic cable access line,CableTV access line(Coaxial cable),Leasd line access and Wireless access line(3G,4G and
Most cheapest access line is Data SIM card(700yen-5000yen). ADSL and Slow Fiber and Wimax are almost same prices(4500yen-5500yen). CableTV internet and Fast
fiber optic are almost same prices(5000yen-7000yen).