At first,Access to the RakutenBB website <Rakuten Member Station>.
↑ This is top page of Rakuten Broadband inc.
↑ Click above Icon...
各種設定 = Setting
ご登録情報の変更 = Updating of customer Data.
メンバーズステーション = Members Station (Customer page)
↑ Web system asks you to login
ユーザID = User ID of Rakuten
パスワード = Password of Rakuten
接続用ユーザーID = Rakuten Internet Connection ID
※ ra+11digit numbers = Rakuten ID (You can access to the member page)
※ ra+11digit = Internet Connection User ID (You can access to the Internet) <Be careful>
パスワード = Password (Capital letter,lower case,sign and numbers are included)
↑ After you fullfilling...
VISA debit,Master debit and some other debit cards are inavailable.
カード番号 = Creditcard number
有効期限 月/年 = Expiration date (Month/Year)
カード名義 = your name on the creditcard.(All uppercase)
セキュリティーコード = security code on the creditcard(Back side of the card?)
If this creditcard information was wrong,or your creditcard doesn't work well. Rakuten is going to send you the notice letter. But It is wrriten by Japanese. It's so hard for you to understand about it. Please check your creditcard again and again at this confirmation page.
This is the end of setting up your payment.
Thank you for cooperation.